Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 2016 Trailer Reaction: Genuinely hated every moment of this movie, and that's from someone who enjoyed the previous movies. She actually saves her worst for last, contrary to their marketing. There are no redeeming qualities. The first 10 minutes are filled with jump scare after jump scare, completely losing the entire point of having such a thing. It angered me that they thought that was a good idea & set the tone for the rest of the film, it never recovered. The editing was even worse. I haven't seen a movie with editing worse than this, I don't think I ever will. An epilepsy inducing mess of flashing lights, shaky cameras and disorientation. The main spoiler for the movie was just so badly done it could be seen from a mile off. Prosthetics for that part were extremely poor & I actually laughed out loud at how ridiculous the whole idea was.

I enjoyed the plot as it tied together all the movies nicely. However Alyssa's dad...the scientist who created the T virus. Wasn't he in the second movie, the one in the wheelchair who was shot by Dr Issac and then turned into a zombie and was crawling towards Issac... and i thought his daughter had a disease that would put her in a wheelchair not age fast. I felt it lacked continuity.
lastly - there were i am sure really awesome action scenes but i totally missed them due to shaky camera syndrome. What was the director thinking? and also I am usually waiting for the token slow motion scene but I don't recall one cos it was a very fast slow motion.... In conclusion this could have been much much better.
lastly - there were i am sure really awesome action scenes but i totally missed them due to shaky camera syndrome. What was the director thinking? and also I am usually waiting for the token slow motion scene but I don't recall one cos it was a very fast slow motion.... In conclusion this could have been much much better.